
Verification is at the heart of Diplomasafe’s digital credentials, which is why prospective employers and others can easily verify your learners’ credentials. Every credential is encrypted, making it tamper-proof and safer than paper credentials.

One-click digital verification

With a simple URL, learners can share their credentials online with anyone who needs to check the validity and proof of education

All credentials are verified with the click of a single button!

Offline and PDF verification

All downloaded PDF versions of a Diplomasafe credential include a link and a QR code for easy online verification as well as access to the original credential for comparison with the printed version.

Verification options

We provide a range of advanced digital credential verification methods that ensure reliability, security, and global standards compliance. Choose the option that best meets your needs:

  • PADes (PDF Advanced Electronic Signatures)
  • Open Badges
  • European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)
  • Blockcerts (Blockchain-Based Records)
  • Europass Digital Credentials