Diplomasafe Author – Kim Steenkjær Mortensen
I co-founded Diplomasafe to initially help eradicate credential fraud. Today, our platform also helps education institutions to significantly reduce the resources they spend on creating, issuing and verifying transcripts and diplomas to and by their students.
We help them utilise the latest technologies in the credentials space to safely keep and secure their student’s credentials for life. We enhance student mobility and credential transparency and give learners and graduates of our customers, the benefits of truly digital proof of education, that can be verified anywhere in the world as credible and trustworthy credentials that are also shared as achievements on LinkedIn and Facebook, to help boost the personal brand of the student and the issuer of course.
I am passionate about the concept of providing people who has put in the effort with proof that cannot be tampered with or copied. It should not be possible to fly a plane without a license, practice medicine with a medical degree or board a rig and not know what to do in case of emergency. Knowledge is power!
Linkedin profile — Kim Steenkjær Mortensen